Is It Fokay if I Leave School Early

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Occasionally, you just can't make it through the day at school. Maybe you're feeling really sad about a family situation, or maybe you just can't stay in math class another second. Though it's not a good idea to skip school often (because you will likely get behind in your work), it's helpful to know how to do it once in a while.

  1. 1

    Tell a few friends that your neck is feeling very stiff. This is a common sign that a headache is coming on. Particularly if you don't want your friends to know that you're faking sick in order to leave early, you'll want to start early to make it believable.[1]

  2. 2

    Rub your temples. Let your teachers and friends see that your head is starting to bother you. You might want to include an accompanying squint. Sensitivity to light is a very common symptom of an oncoming migraine or headache.[2]


  3. 3

    Tone it down. Even if you feel excited about something, keep your voice and actions subdued. You don't want to make it clear that you're faking a headache by acting like you feel fine.[3]

  4. 4

    Tell your teacher your head hurts, and ask to go to the nurse. Be sure to look pathetic while you tell them this. If you don't look pitiful enough, they may be inclined to tell you to stay. Continue rubbing your temples, and speak quietly and respectfully. [4]

    • You could say "I have this weird pain on only one side of my head, and I feel dizzy when I see bright light" or "My head hurts all over, and I have this weird ringing in my ears."
  5. 5

    Explain your symptoms to the nurse. Tell her that you have a headache that has been getting worse throughout the day. You can tell her that it involves sensitivity to light and sound. You can tell her that you feel nauseous as well, as this is often a side effect of a migraine.[5]


  1. 1

    Tell your friends you aren't feeling well. Suggest the possible cause of your illness casually. You could say, "I think I've got this stomach bug that's going around" or "I don't think my breakfast agreed with me today." [6]

  2. 2

    Ask your teacher to go to the restroom. Make it clear that it's urgent, but be very respectful. It's a good idea to go in the middle of class instead of during a bell change. That way there will be fewer people in the bathroom, and there won't be any need to fake throwing up for.

  3. 3

    Come back to class, and tell your teacher that you still don't feel well. Tell them you think it would be a good idea to go to the nurse. Make it clear that it's in their best interest to send you to the nurse, because you might throw up in class if you don't go.[7]

    • There's no need to be especially graphic. Don't say, "I'm going to hurl all over my books if I don't leave now." Say, "I was sick in the bathroom just now, and I'm afraid that I'll be sick again soon."
  4. 4

    Tell the nurse your stomach hurts. Be sure to tell her that you've already been sick in the bathroom once. Try to look as pathetic as possible. You may want to to suggest to her that you have a stomach virus or mention some food that didn't agree with you. [8]

    • Be sure to stick to a consistent story. If you told your friends you think you have a virus, don't change to food poison when you see the nurse.
  5. 5

    Throw in a few other symptoms as well. If you have a stomach virus, odds are you also have some other aches and pains. Be careful not to describe any symptoms that the nurse could easily disprove. [9]

    • You might say you have pain in your muscles and joints.
    • You could claim that you've been very tired and lethargic all day.
    • You might also say you have a headache.


  1. 1

    Write a note. If you are under 18, this method will require that you fake a note from your parents or guardians saying you have to go to the doctor. If you're not comfortable forging a note and a signature, consider a different method. [10]

    • Be sure that the note
      • includes the date
      • begins with the phrase "Please excuse ___(your name)___..."
      • says exactly when you need to leave
      • explains specifically where you are going (to the orthodontist, the optometrist, etc.)
      • says you're not coming back that day
      • has your parent or guardian's signature at the bottom
      • is free of spelling and grammatical errors (so that it's clear an adult wrote it)
      • is a tiny bit crumpled as if it's been in your backpack
    • Note that this method doesn't really work unless you can drive yourself home. If you have to have someone come pick you up, the jig will be up!
    • Depending on your school, the consequences for turning in a forged note may be pretty severe. Some schools will give you detention, suspend you, or in extreme cases, even expel you. Think hard about whether it's worth the risk!
    • Depending on why you need to leave school early, it's possible that your parents or guardians might write the note for you, so consider asking them before you go to the trouble of faking the note.
  2. 2

    Turn in the note as early as possible. It will seem more believable if you hand in the note right away. Follow your school's policies for doing so. You may need to give the note to your homeroom teacher or turn it in in the principal's office.

  3. 3

    Keep your story straight. If your note said that you were leaving early to go to the orthodontist, be careful not to slip up and say you have an eye appointment this afternoon! Stick with minimal details, and you are less likely to get caught.[11]

  4. 4

    Leave. When it reaches the time your note said you had to leave, raise your hand and remind your teacher that you have to go. Pack your bags and leave without causing a ruckus. The more you can fly under the radar, the better! [12]

    • Act as casual as possible. People will suspect that you're lying if you make a big fuss out of leaving.


  1. 1

    Decide who you're going to ask for help. A parent or guardian is a good option if they're not too strict about missing school or if they are already sympathetic to your problem. Otherwise, you may need to enlist the help of an older sibling or friend. [13]

  2. 2

    Think through the reason you need to leave early. Be sure that you have a very convincing case that anyone would feel sympathetic towards. Think carefully about who you have chosen to help you, and be sure that you can convince them that your problem is severe enough that you need to leave school. [14]

  3. 3

    Ask the person for help. Explain why you need to leave early. Once they agree that it's a good idea for you to skip school, tell them how you need them to help. If it's a parent or guardian, all they'll need to do is write a note and be prepared to answer the phone if anyone calls. If it's an older sibling or friend, they may have to be prepared to lie for you. [15]

    • Anyone helping you with the plan can also make your story more believable by arriving at school to pick you up at the scheduled time.
    • If possible, tell them what they have to gain by helping you. If it's your older sister, and you're skipping school to help her pick out a wedding dress, remind her how excited she'll be to have you there. If it's your dad, and you're skipping school because of a bad breakup, remind him that he never liked your girlfriend anyway, and tell him how much happier and healthier you'll feel after a "personal day."


  1. 1

    State your case assertively. If you're wishy-washy or don't make a clear case for why you don't feel well, your teacher, the nurse, or a school administrator might not believe you. Particularly if you're faking sick, the key is to tell them exactly what you need -- to go home as soon as possible. [16]

    • Don't confuse assertiveness with aggression. Be clear about what you need, but don't be hostile or angry.
    • When talking to your teacher, you might want to say something like, "I'm feeling really bad and think I may need to leave. Can I please go to the nurse to talk to her about that?"
    • When you see the nurse, remember to make your case with specific symptoms. For example, "I'm feeling nauseous and have vomited once already. I've also had a headache and chills all day. Could I please go home?"
  2. 2

    Stop them in their tracks. If there's an obvious reason why you might want to skip school that day, and your teacher, the nurse, or an administrator knows that, you'll want to get ahead of the game by mentioning that yourself. [17]

    • If you're talking to your teacher, try saying something like, "I feel awful about missing my group presentation this afternoon. As soon as I'm feeling better and back in school, could we please talk about the best way to make that up?"
    • If you're trying to convince the nurse to let you go home, try saying, "I know what my teacher's make up test policy is, so I'm planning to come in and take it during study hall on Friday, assuming I'm feeling better by then."
  3. 3

    Be prepared to expand the lie. Particularly if you've turned in a fake note, there's a chance that an administrator will want to call home to verify that you really do need to leave early. If your parent or guardian really did write the note, just be sure they're prepared to keep the lie going for you when they answer the phone. [18] If you faked the note yourself, some possible solutions include

    • Give a number you know no one will answer. If your parents are at work, you could give them your home number. Be prepared to delete the message before they can hear it.
    • Have an accomplice ready to answer the phone at whatever number you give them. An older sibling or friend who isn't in school are good options.
  4. 4

    Accept the consequences gracefully. If you get caught, the best thing you can do is stop lying immediately and accept the blame. Adults are more likely to be lenient on you if you fess up right away, and admit that you were wrong. Explain politely why you did what you did, and say that you know it was wrong. [19]


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    Should we do this about two times a month?

    Community Answer

    That seems a bit excessive, and you are more likely to get caught if you leave school early frequently. Try to stick to only leaving school early when absolutely necessary.

  • Question

    How long do you have to stay at school to have it count as a full day?

    Community Answer

    This will depend on the school policies and what time your school day ends. If there's a student handbook, the answer is probably in there!

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Article SummaryX

While it isn't a good idea to skip school, it can be helpful to know how to leave school early in case you need to. One of the best ways to do so is to fake an illness. You could pretend to have a headache or migraine by rubbing your temples and complaining to your teacher and classmates that your neck is feeling stiff. You can then tell your teacher that your head hurts and you need to go home. Another illness you can easily fake is an upset stomach. Ask your teacher to go to the restroom and then come back to class after a few minutes complaining that you feel very ill and may throw up. If your teacher sends you to the nurse for your headache or upset stomach, describe the symptoms to the nurse and ask them for permission to go home. To learn how to fake a doctor's appointment, keep reading!

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Is It Fokay if I Leave School Early


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