The Apples of Idun Reading Plus Answers

Idun and her Gilded Apples

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idun and her applesHow are the Norse gods able to remain wrinkle-free and forever immature? This story explains how, and also tells us how they almost lost the underground of eternal youth.

Read by Elizabeth.
Adapted for Storynory by Charlotte Sebag-Montefiore.
Proofread by Claire Deakin.

Anyone lucky enough to get to Asgard, where the Norse gods live, would see at once that all of them, with the exception of Odin, are young, cute and handsome. Odin is the exception as he does have such a long bristles, and he would look much younger if he shaved it off. Simply no-ane shaves in Asgard, and now I am thinking well-nigh it, this may be considering the other male gods expect too young to grow a bristles… How exercise they manage this? You might well ask, given that they've been upwardly in Asgard for quite a while. The answer lies in Idun, and her Golden Apples.

1 day Odin and Loki left Asgard to see what was going on in Midgard, the Land of Men. You may know that Odin is the male parent of the Norse gods, Loki is the god of fire and mischief. Anyway, these two gods had been trekking all twenty-four hours in the mountains, and come nightfall, they were definitely hungry. They saw some cows grazing, and they decided to impale one and take a few steaks. Odin jointed the beefiness, while Loki got the fire going. This was the work of a moment for him as he was the god of fire, even though the wood was moisture, it would have taken you or me a lot longer.

Soon the meat was cooking over the fire. But at that place was a problem: the burn down was hot, the meat was there - merely for some reason, it would not cook. Attempt equally they would - and the two of them did endeavour - their dinner remained raw.

"Hmph," said Odin. "There'south trouble about."

In the lite of the fire, they saw a shadow of a huge bird. They looked upward and saw an an eagle perched on a branch, silhouetted confronting the night sky. "That's no eagle," said Odin. The bird laughed, "No, I am no eagle and your meat will not cook unless you agree to give me whatever I want." The gods were tired, cold and hungry so they agreed without inquiring as to the demands of the strange creature.

At in one case the meat began to sizzle. How good it smelled! Simply just as they were about to help themselves, the creature in the shape of an hawkeye, swooped down and grabbed the best bit with his beak. He gulped it down – no chewing for him – and took some other slice. "No, you don't," said Loki, and he shoved a swell log at the bird, trying to shell him off. Just instead, the eagle grabbed the log and Loki found himself stuck fast on the other stop of it. He could not permit go! Now the eagle flew low, and then that Loki was dragged backside and terribly bashed and bounced almost by rocks and branches as they flew over the basis. At last the hawkeye put him down. "I am the Giant Thjasse," he said, "and yous're not the only one who can alter shape. You will never exist free unless y'all agree to get me Idun's golden apples. Practise yous?"

Loki hesitated. Thjasse wasn't really request for apples, he was asking for what Asgard prized higher up all - eternal youth and beauty. What would his punishment exist if he stole that? Only he was tired of being bruised and dragged about, and so he agreed. Thjasse flew off screeching, "Keep your word or you'll have me to deal with!" and Loki, who didn't desire that, brushed himself down thoughtfully. Then he rejoined Odin who was already tucking into him steak, and began to eat himself.

This expedition to Midgard had not been very successful and soon the 2 gods returned to Asgard. Loki did intend to keep his word, and he began by making friends with Idun, keeper of the Golden Apples. This wasn't hard, equally Idun was equally sweet and good-natured as her lovely apples! Loki made a expert start by telling her about his travels: he had enough of funny and interesting tales to tell. Every time he went to go his own apple tree – for all the gods ate them one time a week – he took the adventure to tell Idun something or make her laugh. Ane day, he said, "You know, Idun, these are wonderful apples, but they're second best. I take seen better."

"I don't believe you lot."

"You don't believe me? Come up and see for yourself."

"I think I will," said Idun.

"Why don't you bring your ain apples?" said the crafty Loki. "And then you could really compare them."

Idun went to fetch her wondrous apples. She kept them in the sort of basket they deserved: it was fabricated of purest gilded, just the right size, and the handle was studded with rubies. Information technology was so pretty!

Loki and Idun made for the gates of Asgard. Loki looked upwardly. He saw a huge shadow in the sky – he knew what that meant. Of a sudden, Idun shivered. "I'm not certain I want to get," she said. "I'll come another day."

"A walk outside volition do you good," said Loki, and he took her by the arm and they went through the gate.

Idun screamed, and no wonder. The eagle, Thjasse, swooped downwardly for his prize, Idun and her apples. Poor Idun was flying through the air, with Thjasse's huge claws closed tightly around her waist without scratching her. "Conscientious with those apples," he screeched, and poor Idun screamed again. She was blighted to be held prisoner in Thjasse'south cold and gloomy castle.

Meanwhile, at first no i in Asgard noticed she had gone. Then things inverse: The goddesses complained to each other of one or 2 grey hairs. Odin, who must have been the oldest if he was the father of the gods, got backache. And one or two lilliputian wrinkles, crow's feet, smile lines - that sort of affair, began to announced on the faces of the gods. They were non happy nigh it: if they were gods, they had to be immortal. Besides who doesn't want to await immature and beautiful?

They held an assembly of the gods. The number ane suspect in the Instance of the Missing Apples was Loki, for suspicion always falls on him when there is mischief itinerant. Information technology was an uproarious meeting with all the gods demanding that Loki tell the truth, and all sorts of threats and divine curses were banded almost.

"Alright, alright. I did it," Loki, finally admitted. "I was forced into it."

And then Thor, the strongest of the gods, seized concord of Loki and shook him terribly so that he was in fright for his life.

"End, stop," cried Loki, "I'll get the apples back. If you kill me, you lot will never swallow those apples over again, and you lot can all suffer the aches and pains of sometime age."

When things had calmed down, the gods helped Loki turn into the shape of a falcon.

He flew and flew until he reached Thjasse's castle. Idun was walking on the ramparts, with her jewelled basket. Quickly, Loki turned her into a nut, clutched it tight with his claws, and soared high towards Asgard. It was lucky he had a skilful offset, for soon Thjasse came home. How he roared when he saw that Idun and her apples were gone! He guessed what had happened, changed at in one case into an hawkeye, and flew off, spurred on by anger and fury. Loki flew every bit quickly as he could, and falcons fly very fast, but information technology is the hawkeye that rules the skies, and lilliputian by piffling Thjasse gained on him.

Everyone in Asgard was watching, fearfully. Would Loki get back in fourth dimension? The gods rushed off and laid great fires on the walls. Near fainting with exhaustion, the falcon flew over the wall and cruel to the ground exhausted. In an instant the flames leapt into the sky, and Thjasse was burned. He fell, and died. Idun and her gold apples were safely back home. Youth and beauty returned to Asgard forevermore!

And that was the story of Idun and the Gilded Apples, adapted for storynory past
Charlotte Seabag-Montefiore. We do hope you enjoyed it, and look out for more norse stories on


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